Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday Free For All--"A three hour tour...a three hour tour..."

The ribbon has been cut! So my (oft-referred to for some odd reason) friend Jami invited me and a couple of other friends to be part of a "Friday FFA" where we would take turns picking topics upon which the four of us (the "love square" Jenni calls it) expound in all our snarky glory. This is our very first post--see the link to the side to read the other posts. (I'm sure they'll be much better than mine!) Without any further ado (or side comments) heeeeeeeere we go!

For reasons beyond your powers to comprehend, you know that you will soon become the sole survivor of a trans-Atlantic plane crash and will be stranded on a desert island. You do not question your new-found psychic powers, but instead, you start packing the essentials. What 10 things will you take with you?

1. My laptop with a super-special-never-ending battery and an equally super special extra strong wireless signal! You may be asking yourself, "Does such a thing exist?" To you I say--Whose post is this anyway? Back off! For the sake of my sanity, it had BETTER be invented before the plane goes down. With my laptop I can chat with friends and family to socialize, I have iTunes to give me plenty to sing along to and Bejeweled for those boring moments! I love my laptop!!
2. My camera--Not that I'm this terribly gifted photographer, but I'm pretty sure being stranded on a desert island would make GREAT material for a book! And since I have my computer and Internet access, I'm good to go!
3 and 4. A year's supply of Chex Mix and Cherry Coke--I'm going to need food, right? And since Jack won't be there (don't judge me! Why on earth would I take my 3 year old on a TRANS-ATLANTIC flight, especially if I know it's going to crash?? He's better off at home with Scott! hmmm...shouldn't I bring Scott to make shelter and start fires and take out the garbage and mow the sand? Thinking about it, I'm not sure that being stranded on a desert island would be very good for our marriage! We can only handle being alone together for so long...) I don't have to eat healthy food! Wahoooo! I figure a year's supply of Chex Mix and Cherry Coke would last me about a month--surely I would be rescued by then, especially with Internet access
5. Scriptures--should I feel guilty that this isn't higher on the list? Because I don''s in the top 5 for heck's sake! Being deserted on an island would definately make it easier for me to find time to read them!
6. A few of those clicky lighter things--I can barely start a fire with matches and lighter fluid, let alone with some palm leaves and twigs! Without Scott, I'm going to need all the help I can get!
7. A pop-up tent--I'm not much of a tent setter-upper (I know, I know--setter-upper is not a word!) and I'm going to need shelter, I'm guessing!
8. A sleeping bag to either keep me warm or for something cushy to sleep on
9. Deodorant--I debated whether or not to put this on my list since I'd be all alone but I think even I would get tired of the stench after awhile!
10. My last item--oh, the pressure! I think my last (but not least important!) item would be a hefty stock of clean underwear. I mean, really--you NEVER know what could happen and you should always be wearing clean underwear!!

3 smart remarks:

Lees Everything Homemade said...

Doedorant and underwear! Why didn't I think of those. Honestly, I'd be better off if I just sunk with the plane. My survival instincts just don't shine through very well.

Loved it! Especially the Cherry Coke.

Jenni said...

Personally, I'm planning on making my deserted island a nudist underwear might mean I'd have to do laundry.

Man, girl...your first is like we were separated at birth. Sweet!

Jami said...

You must know how much you make me laugh. If you have to ask, though, it's a lot. Especially the year's supply of Chex Mix and Cherry Coke that would last a month. Ahhh! Why didn't I pack any chocolate??? I'm repacking.