Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Welcome to the jungle.."

I'd like to give a big HOLLA to the newest member of our family. Kind of. This is baby Ian:

Baby Ian is the son of our good friends Jonathan and Virginia. Due to some changes in their current childcare situation, we will have Ian during the day for a bit. This is such great news! As previously mentioned, Jack has some sharing issues and tends to lead towards the spoiled only child end of the spectrum. Boy howdy is this going to fix that! I'm excited--it'll be so good for both boys who, for the most part, have been playing well all morning (day 1) Ian is a little more than a year younger than Jack so it'll be exciting to see him develop as he tries to be more like Jack. Of course, we'll see how I handle taking TWO kids with me everywhere I go..that could be more of a challenge, but all in all, I'm excited. Oh, speaking of them playing well together today--here is a not-so-shining-moment, proof that Jack desperately needs a tag along:

1 smart remarks:

Naomi Carmen Witcher said...

ian is so dang cute!!! so is jack, by the way!!!