Thursday, April 30, 2009

Elisabeth Update--don't read if you don't care!

Hello friends! So it's Thursday and with that comes an official baby update. Woot! You know you're thrilled. So here's the straight skinny:
First, I saw our friend the perinatologist to discuss the possibilities of Lizzy getting stuck during labor like Jack did. (He broke his collarbone, but it could have been MUCH worse!) We wanted to see how much she weighed and see how she's positioned. As of today she's 7 lbs 6 oz (give or take 1/2 lb) which means that next week when I'm scheduled to be induced she'll likely be about 8 lbs 6 oz but with the 1/2 lb margin of error, could be 8 lb 12 oz just like Jack was. She said that the only way she would be comfortable with a natural birth would be if everything was totally textbook and if Lizzy was totally progressing exactly as she should. She said if there was any sign of something like a complication, they'd take me right in for a C-Section. There's about a 20% chance that no matter what happens, she'll still get stuck. So while there's an 80% chance that she'd be okay, that 20% means she could even have permanent nerve damage. After talking to my midwife, we decided to just plan on a C-Section since it's a pretty high probability anyway. She changed my May 7th induction date to a C-Section and said she'd call the OB she works with and make sure it would work for him. Well, it doesn't. He said Thursday wouldn't work for him and besides, he wants to see me before scheduling anything but can't get me in until Monday. So everything next week has been cancelled and we'll see what he wants to do on Monday..everything is pretty much up in the air at this point. I'm wondering if he wants to see me because he doesn't think a C-Section is the best course of action. Personally, I'm not married to either option, I just want Lizzy to come (soon!) without any major problems. Of course earlier today I was talking to my midwife about the lack of activity going on--I've hardly had any real contractions at all. I was speculating that my womb is just a magical place--possibly with cable--that babies just don't want to leave. I have started having some contractions later on today, though. Only a couple of big take-my-breath-away-make-me-want-to-die-contractions but that's still more than I've had previously.
So at this point, it's anyone's guess what is going to happen. I'm holding out hope that I go into labor before Monday but I'm really not that lucky!

3 smart remarks:

Naomi Carmen Witcher said...

i hope that everything will go well, no matetr what way or when elisabeth is coming. do you need any help with anything? can i bring you gusy dinner after you have her. let me know if there is anything you need, k? love ya, naomi

Mary said...

Felicitations. Keep me updated! Je t'aime!

Lisa said...

I'm so excited that it's so near the end for you. You must be so relieved. If you have to have a c-section, give me a call. I'm somewhat of an expert on those!