Monday, July 11, 2011

Quick Fly-By

Since I know some of you out there in cyber-world are just dyyyyying to know what's going on round here, I'll give you the quickest update ever of some recent happenings:

  • Baby is coming on Friday! GAAAAAA!!! (Scott is nesting. I am enjoying watching HIM nest. He's cleaned the carpets, put up the crib, installed a ceiling fan to try and cool down this house that is hotter than the seventh circle of hell and put up the baby swing.) Bring. It. On. I'm scheduled for 9AM Friday morning. I was completely devastated that I couldn't have the baby on July 22nd but the surgeon explained that the baby is already really big (I was measuring 39 weeks 2 weeks ago), I've been having contractions and apparently having had a C-Section makes me even more at risk of the placenta erupting should I go into labor. He said it's just a terrible idea for me to get even close to going into labor. I saw my midwife a couple of days later who said he's leaving on vacation the 23rd. Can I just tell you this reiterates why I have a midwife instead of seeing an OB-GYN?
  • Kids are doing great. Jack's school has a summer reading program and he'd read all the pages required for every prize available in less than a month. The first day he read 81 pages!! Lu has successfully moved into Jack's room and they now sleep on bunkbeds. (Jack feels pretty special to be a top-bunk kid) It's amazing to me how well she's transitioned from crib to toddler bed to bunk bed. We've really had very few problems, which is more than I can say about Jack's transition. Further proof that she is a mini-me, I suppose. She doesn't care where she sleeps, as long as she gets to! Jack is excited for this new little friend to come. Lizzy has no clue how much her world is about to be rocked. Let's be honest--none of us do.
  • Work is going well for Scott. His company just won a sizable contract from the DOT that will hopefully keep them in business for a couple of more years. In this economy--a miracle. We're grateful.
  • I have been officially relieved of my duties as Primary President. Um, for a month. (You don't think they'll ever release me, do you? We can't get people who are willing to be substitute teachers, for heaven's sake! Who else would be willing to be PRESIDENT??) My wonderful counselors have informed me that I am not welcome until August 15th and have planned and delegated and everything so I can focus on having a baby without worrying that we STILL don't have an 11 year old scout assistant.
  • My sweet and wonderful "crazy Internet friends" came over last week and cleaned my house and brought food. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have such fantastic friends. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have such great friends!!
  • I heart sno-cones. Thanks to my bestest 12 year old friend (and babysitter extraordinaire) Sydney, who loaned me her sno-cone maker, I have at least 3 a day. Ahhhh...I think I'll have one when I'm done blogging here...mmmmm...
  • Gosh, I think that's really all. I'm all distracted at the thought of sno-cones right now. I know this will transfer over to my Facebook so those of you who miss seeing me over there now know that we are alive and well (and really--not missing Facebook at all!) We're having fun playing and reading and enjoying each other before this baby comes. Hope you're doing the same (mmm..well, with or without the baby thing. I mean, whatever the case may be!)

1 smart remarks:

Mary said...

Darling, I'm so excited for you. I'm going to stop by . . . if not tomorrow then fo' sho' on Friday after the new friend comes. Please let me know where you'll be. Je t'aime.