Sunday, April 13, 2008

FFA "Sunday always comes too late.."

Okay, first let me apologize to my fellow FFA'ers for posting so late. Life has been chaotic at best!!
This week's topic: What is your least favorite thing about being a grown up?"

Laundry. I detest doing laundry, to which my husband (the resident "laundry boy") can attest. It's not that it's difficult, it's not, I don't know why I hate it so much. I do a pretty good job loading the washing machine. Switching the laundry is a little harder and folding laundry is completely impossible. I hate it. I would rather have my wisdom teeth removed without anesthesia than fold laundry. Okay, so that was a pretty wild exaggeration, but the fact remains: I HATE folding laundry. When I was a kid, it was not my job. (The result was usually sweaters-turned-doll clothes or pink underwear that wasn't supposed to be pink.) It was like the laundry fairy visited once a week and with the wave of her wand transformed my clothes from a pile on the floor to nice stacks in my drawers smelling like Tide. Ahhh...manna underwear. Those were the days.
Those days should be gone, and when Scott goes on strike they are. (I think another strike is on its way as I am blogging right now while he does laundry and bathes The Midget. What a trouper!) Being a grown up stinks for lots of reasons, and lest anyone think me a pessimist, let me leave you with a great reason why I LIKE to be a grown-up: I can eat all the sugary cereal I want. I can eat it for all three meals if I want to (as long as Jack doesn't see me!) So there are definately SOME perks!! ;o)

Until next Friday! Or Sunday. Whatever.

1 smart remarks:

Jenni said...

Manna underwear. Girl, you crack me up.