Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Live Strong!

So this is my problem. I'm terribly irreverent. Seriously, it's a problem and it makes Scott crazy. I've pretty much lost it during many settings where hysterical laughter is inappropriate (like during Gospel Doctrine in Church one Sunday when I swear I couldn't breathe for trying not to laugh out loud until the source of my hysteria behind me was trying so hard to hold it in he SNORTED and had to crawl over 3 people to get out. The teacher was not even close to as amused as we were!) Well, what happened last night trumps it ALL!

We've got friends visiting from England right now and some other friends came from Colorado to see the aforementioned friends (and us, of course!). We've been having a great time altogether and last night decided to go...well, somewhere peaceful and lovely where you can see crystal chandeliers and watch a nice movie. Are you with me? So that's where we were. The girls were all sitting together and I'm not really sure who was the first one to look over and see Micaela's husband Ammon, but holy cow! His hat was all skee-wompus (what a brilliant word--skee-wompus!) and he looked SO funny. It was shoved way back and was pointy like a bicycle helmet, accentuating his shiny forehead. Oh my gosh. Micaela took one look at him and started laughing so hard, which made us laugh. Seriously, there is no place IN THE WORLD more inappropriate than where we were to be this hysterical. We were trying so hard to be quiet, which made it even worse. We were all turning red and shaking, as Ammon describes it "like three shaking crabs." Oh my heavens. Just thinking about it is so painful. I was hoping everyone else in the room would think we were just having a really moving experience--that would explain the tears and shaking shoulders. But do people usually snort when sobbing? See, I didn't think so either. The worst part of it all is that Vicki "The Brit" tends to honk when she laughs really hard. I know that Micaela and I were both thinking, "If she honks, it is OVER!" I don't even know what would happen. Is anyone ever asked to leave because they can't stop laughing? It's not like you can even excuse yourself and leave the room for a minute. Just not possible. Micaela is next to me mumbling, "Dead dogs. Dead dogs. Dead dogs" over and over again, I was biting my hand so hard I have a bruise and Vicki was just focusing SO hard on NOT honking. So Micaela looks over at Ammon and is trying to get him to fix his hat and he was just making it worse, which was making us laugh even harder. He confessed today that he made it worse on PURPOSE. I am fairly certain he is going to hell for this. Friggin' Lance Armstrong wannabe! So let me just tell you that it never ended. Even afterward if you just looked at us sideways we would burst out in a fit of giggles like three 8 year old girls! Phew! Stay away from me in a storm--you don't want to be near the lightning!

1 smart remarks:

Jenni said...

Dead dogs? Oh, that's classic. Brings to mind The Man Who Knew Too Little....