Sunday, May 25, 2008

FFA "We'll make a movie, the darlings of the cinema. You'll be director, I'll be your movie star."

FFA Topic #10 "Who should play you in the movie version of your life?"
Okay, after much consideration (that's not why the post is late--I've been SO busy but that's a post for another day..) I have decided that I want Janeane Garofalo to play me. I really think she's probably the best choice to portray the sarcasm and stubbornness that make me the girl that keeps the 3 of you who read my blog coming back for more. I quite often find myself rolling my eyes at some of her rather vocal points of view, but again--that's what makes her..well, her. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that more than one person has been shocked/confused/offended at something that quickly flew from my head to my mouth before I had the opportunity to stop it. I suffer from a tragic disease commonly referred to as "No inner monologue." It's a really sad problem and I'm currently raising money for treatment. It's rather extensive and involves sewing my lips shut during a long stint in Polishing School where I'm sure I would cause the faculty to develop severe drinking problems. Until then, I will continue to shock and offend. Join me, won't you?

3 smart remarks:

Laurie said...

The three of us who read your blog? What, you can't count? I could swear there are AT LEAST four of us!

Aaahhhhh... Janeane Garafolo (I'm sure I just slaughtered the spelling there). Good call. I like her. I like you. I'd go see the movie. Heck, I'm probably even cough up the big bucks to see a night-time show instead of scrimping by with the matinee.

Jami said...

Yes, perfect choice. She's probably one of the only actresses who could really pull off your character. Now, will you be writing the screenplay? That'd make the whole thing worthwhile for me.

claire said...

There is one reason and one reason only that Janeane Garafolo is the perfect actress to play you in the movie version of your life: you both have "Liberal" tattooed on you arms!