Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Some Pretty Priceless Passing Points

1. I miss Jack. We left him in St. George with Nana on Sunday and he won't be home until Saturday. While it has been nice to watch Arrested Development without worrying that he'll ask me to explain some off-color comment, I miss the constant chatter. I miss all the crazy things he comes up with and the things he finds so fascinating.
2. Yes, I realize that if I don't want Jack to see it, I probably shouldn't be watching it. But I'm not yet willing to give up Arrested Development and if you ask me to, I am going to have to break up with you. Don't judge.
3. Do you ever wish you were someone else? I don't wish I were a specific person per se, but I would like to be a whole lot of things that I'm not. Sigh.
4. I have been instructed by Scott to "never, under any circumstances, do laundry again." Now, he's pretty notorious for random and ridiculous punishments (yes, like the time he got mad at Jack and told him he was never EVER allowed in the bathroom ever again. I'd like to trick our kids into thinking we're a united front so I just gave Scott a quizzical look, shrugged and said, "I don't know. What he said.") but I doubt this one will stick. I wish it would. I hate laundry!
5. I wish I were in bed right now.
6. I've been shopping every single day this week except Sunday, and I have to go to the store tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. That makes 6 of 7 days. Do I have a problem?
7. Don't answer that.
8. I'm hosting 2 baby showers on the same day. I haven't decided if this is genius or insanity. In case you were wondering, it's a lot of work to prepare 2 showers at the same time. Double everything! It's a good thing it's 2 of my very bestest friends.
9. I need a magic wand. Anyone?
10. Have you ever had a friend who you love when you're together but when you're not you wonder if it's even worth it? I have a friend like that and I'm feeling some guilt about it. I might have more than one friend like that. Now I wonder if anyone feels that way about me. If they do, they should just stop being my friend altogether because I don't need half-hearted friendship. Does this make me a hypocrite because I'm not willing to do this with the aforementioned friend(s)? Huh. If only I cared. (See #5)

Wow. That 10 went fast. Do you feel ripped off? I think maybe you should.

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