Sunday, August 22, 2010


1. According to my little Feedjit thing over there on the right, I have had a visitor to my blog from Jakarta. Surely they were sadly disappointed when they got here and saw that this is really just a blog with weird thoughts from a strange girl. Anyhoo--if someone from Jakarta could find my blog, surely it's possible that the jerk who cut me off in the Winco parking lot could stumble upon it. So here goes:
Dear Mr. Jerk--I have never hidden the fact that I lack charity. In fact, I've been known to relish the kind of unkind behavior that most Christian women would be shocked to even witness, let alone participate in. So it's pretty much a miracle that when you cut me off by driving straight through the parking lot in your obscenely overpriced Hummer (I'm sure you hear the Freud jokes all the time so I'll refrain but just know they're in my heart.) I didn't do more than just lay on the horn and yell, "What the crap???" Really, I wanted to follow you to the TWO PARKING SPACES you took up and tell you exactly where you could go and what you could do with the horse you rode in on once you got there. Lucky for you, I was A. in a hurry and B. was trying to be like Jesus. Now, if only I could find some mail-order spike strips...all of my problems would be solved.
2. I think maybe I gush about Scott too much. Tough. My blog, I can gush about whatever I want to. I'm so lucky to have such a great husband. Really. He works so incredibly hard--he's terrible to shop for since he has no hobbies but he has no hobbies because he's always working. Either at his job to provide for us or in the yard to make our surroundings more beautiful or in the laundry room so I don't have to do laundry because I don't like it. Our children worship the ground he walks on, he's good to his mother and he puts up with my complete chaos. So blessed.
3. So this not sleeping thing really stinks. Ugh. Beyond frustrating.
4. My not sleeping is really enabling my Arrested Development habit. I'm to Season 3 and love it. I'm currently watching the episode where Charlize Theron plays a mentally challenged British woman who Michael falls in love with because he doesn't realize something is wrong with her because of her accent. My favorite quote: "It's not your fault your parents were cousins." "Well, soon Michael and I will be cousins because we're GETTING MARRIED!"
5. I would like to take a moment to express my love for Facebook. I heart it. Lots. I recognize there are a lot of stupid people out there who have ruined their lives "reconnecting" but I love that I can know what's going on in friends' lives and I'm grateful for surprise friend requests from people I love but with whom I've lost touch. Like awesome Joanna--we were like sisters when we were little girls. Then my mom married her stepdad and, well, let's not worry about details. Suffice it to say, I am so glad she found me and I can see what she's up to after all these years. Thanks, Facebook!
6. While we're talking about Facebook, let me tell you what I DON'T love. I don't love getting friend requests from people I barely know. Here's my rule. If we were never friends in real life, I don't want to be your FB friend. I am not interested in being friends with you on Facebook. I am not interested in the "who can have more friends?" game and if I didn't care about your life in highschool, I don't care about your life now. Done.
7. Okay, I'm stopping at 7. I have a meeting in the morning and I need some semblance of a good nights' rest. Sigh.  More snarkiness another day.
8. Wait, one more. I'm feeling the need for a sign off. Silly Joe (by the way Joe, you can be my Jami any day and while there ISN'T hazard pay, there most certainly should be!) ends his posts with "Okay then" which suits him. I need a sign off. Suggestions welcome. The friend/family/Internet Crazy who comes up with the sign off that I end up choosing will, my never ending love and devotion. I might even add you as a Facebook friend.

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