Friday, October 28, 2011

Things I've Always Wanted to Do--Week 7

Gosh, I'm really cruising through these weeks. It's going to be sad when I've done everything on my list! I guess I'll just have to make another list, huh? Okay, so I told you that last week was a two-fer. That actually works out really well because what I'm working on this week is going to take more than just one week to accomplish. I AM working on it, though! This one involves quite a bit more work than the other weeks have so I'm just plugging away and get so excited every time I get closer and closer--hopefully I can finish it by next week so I can post more info. Okay, so I got the video for the other TIAWTD that I did last week. Now, I didn't PLAN on doing this one--in fact, I was on my way to Denice's house so technically I was good for the week. But "a little birdie" told me to do it and I'm so glad I listened. Okay, here's the video:
Sadly, my sweet friend who was recording the video had to take all of the food we ordered (and boy did we order a lot of food. Good heavens! Never drive an hour and a half to get somewhere without having had breakfast. Lesson of the day.) so she stopped recording before you see the sweet woman who was behind me smile so big it looked like she was going to burst. Then she honked and waved. Now, I obviously didn't know this woman, but for some reason I felt like THIS was the opportunity for me to cross this off my list. I hope it blessed her day. And I hope that she, in turn, will bless someone else's day. But honestly, I really think this affected me far more than it affected her. I was so giddy. Like, dorkily giddy. What an amazing opportunity. I just think we need to pay attention to people around us. I love the hymn, "Have I Done Any Good Today?" I think it's such a good question to ask ourselves. While I was in Idaho a couple of weeks ago, my awesome friend Doug (husband to the now-infamous on my blog Camille) told his kids whenever he or the kids left the house, "Be good. Do good." What great advice. I would hope that we would all take his advice everyday and make sure that, when we go to bed at night, we've left our world, our work, our friends and especially our family better than they were when the day started.

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