Monday, October 24, 2011

Things I've Always Wanted to Do-Week 6

Okay, so Week 6 was actually a two-fer but I don't have the video for the OTHER thing I did so I'll just post about this for now until I get ahold of the other video.
I was SO excited for this week. This was actually the very first thing on my list of TIAWTD. I'll give you a hint:

I spent the day with my AMAZING friend Denice learning how to "art."  

There are no words to describe what a wonderful and astounding kind of girl she is. She is, very literally, one of my heroes. This girl knows how to make lemonade like no one I know (You know, because when life gives you lemons...) and the whole time she is just inspiring everyone around her all along the way. Of course, she has no CLUE how incredible she is and that just adds to her awesomeness. She is a beautiful mom, a talented artist, a generous and kind friend and I am just super lucky that she would be friends with me. Not only do I love Denice, I also love her sweet family. She has a million kids (okay, maybe not a million...but in my book, when you have more than 7 or 8 it automatically rounds up) and they are all just incredible human beings. They're creative and thoughtful and were so obliging to us while we were there. Her daughter and sons took turns taking care of the baby while I worked and Elisabeth had a BLAST playing with kids and arting with us.

So Lu got to experience the world of Gesso and oil pastels right along with me (they have a "kid set" of oil pastels, dontcha know!) It was so much fun. I have come to LOVE art. It is so much fun and so freeing. Unfortuately, I'm just not good at it. I don't have a natural talent for it and I'm so critical of myself but I know that this is something I can learn. Quite honestly, it's something I'm determined to learn. Here is video of me learning:

..and here, pictures of me applying what I've learned:

All in all, it was a really great day. SO much fun. And I can't wait to post the video for the OTHER thing I did. So much fun and also very very good for the soul. More to come! Are YOU doing things you've always wanted to do? If not, you should. Really. It's easy--just make a list and make sure you scale it back to reasonable things. Sure you've always wanted to see Paris in the Springtime, but that's going to take some planning and saving (or, if you're me, waiting for a long-lost wealthy relative to kick!) so what could you do now? Is there a restaurant you've always wanted to try? A hobby you've always wanted to learn? A goal you've always wanted to set? Make your list (check it twice--snort--sorry, a little Santa humor there) and GO for it. Make sure you let me know how it went. Now go get 'em Tiger!

1 smart remarks:

mamaerica said...

I'm so freaking jealous that I'm *crying* right now. I kid you not. Seriously, when am I going to get off my butt, off this machine, and find my wonderful life? And you're DOING it! WOW! Loving it, trying to find inspiration....still struggling to even start the list. *sigh* Really didn't mean to make this about me. I promise. Love you!