Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Things I've Always Wanted to Do

So a long time ago, I made a list of things I wanted to do before I die. Now, go me I DID accomplish a couple of them. Literally. A couple. Like 2. However, in an attempt to live my life with purpose I have decided to accomplish at least one thing each week that I've always wanted to do. These aren't huge things, mind you. Just simple and I'm excited to do them and see what I learn. This is what I did today--pardon the crappy video and wind that drowns out the sound. I hope to produce better results next week.

This beautiful sunrise just made me feel so loved. This is something that happens every single day--the sun comes up. It's a necessary occurance. We need the sun for a whole bunch of things--to see and to grow flowers and food and to keep us's pretty vital to our existence. God could just make that sucker pop up, do it's thing and then go back down. But He didn't. Instead, He gives us this amazing light show every single day with every color--it's like every day He gives us a beautiful present and like a lot of beautiful things that surround us I think we take it for granted. We just assume the sun will be there--we feel entitled to it's warmth. But really, it's a privilege. Beautiful art given to us every single day by an all-powerful Creator who was and who is and yet loves us all so personally and deeply that He gives us a beautiful gift every day that we may or may not notice. I'm a mom. I get being taken for granted--I don't say it to complain or to get pity, it's the truth. My kids expect that they'll drink from a clean glass and eat warm food that they (mostly always) like. Their messes will be wiped up, their clothes will be washed (thanks Scott!) and there will always be a hug and a kiss to fix whatever is wrong. I don't want to take my Heavenly Father for granted. I don't want to take for granted the many things and people (thanks Scott!) He has put in my life to bless me. Not just so that I can exist, but so that I can be BLESSED and happy. How can you NOT have a good day when you're reminded that you are loved? That this Omnipotent Being created the heavens and the earth and you and billions of other people and animals and yet He loves YOU. Personally. With all of your faults, your weaknesses and even though you take His gifts for granted, He still gives them to you every single day because He loves you. And me. And I'm so glad I stopped to watch the sun rise.

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