Monday, October 03, 2011

Things I've Always Wanted to Do-Week 2

Okay, so during Week 2 my sweet and wonderful, most excellent husband (Notice the grovelling? I was grumpy this morning and got a little snippy. Now I'm not saying it wasn't warranted--I'm just saying I'm sorry. LOL. Love you, Boy!) Anyhoo--the day after I had one of my increasingly frequent "I have got too much on my plate, I'm overwhelmed and exhausted" hissy fits, he took the afternoon off work and sent me to lunch with my friends sans shorties. Bless him. Here they are (minus a couple--but you'll see them in a second): I decided it would be a perfect opportunity to do something I've always wanted to do: Go to a restaurant and eat dessert first. Now, I'll admit this is something I really wanted to do with my kids, but who said you can only do this once in your life? So I did it. And it was SO fun! My friends loved the idea, and a few of them considered doing it too, but they were torn between dessert first or deep fried avocados. (GAG!) They chose avocados and I ordered the Brownie Sundae Finale (minus whipped cream and almonds, thank you). This is what it looked like:
You'll notice the huge mountain of whipped cream. I'm pretty much the pickiest eater in the world so I'm used to having to dissect my food before I eat it. Didn't bother me a bit. But my wonderful friends were nice enough to take that bullet for me and before I knew it, my ice cream was whipped cream free. However, the waitress heard them lament that there was whipped cream on it so she brought me another one--nekkid, like I like my brownie sundae finale. So THEY got their fried avocados AND dessert first. Everyone wins! Here is a picture of them winning:
and here:

Aren't they wonderful? Don't you wish they were YOUR friends? Well, they're not. Neener neener neener!
So that is the story of the time I ate dessert first. Wait, one more picture to PROVE that I had dessert first. You know, in case you don't believe me.
Them's my fish and chips I had for lunch. And behind them you can see the mostly eaten Brownie Sundae Finale. Told you so. This was a really fun one to do. Who has room for dessert after eating a meal out? I never do. Plus, my friend Erica came late and was able to finish my lunch since I dessert filled me up! See? Winning!

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